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Anaheim Hills, CA 92808

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7 Culprits Behind The Sudden Brown Stains Between Your Teeth

June 30, 2023

Brown stains on teeth are often categorized as cavities. It is a sign that bacteria have started to infect your pearly whites, slowly eating their way through the enamel. Usually, these stains are easy to spot, with most cases of tooth decay taking root on the surface of your teeth. But what are you supposed to do when those pesky brown stains suddenly pop up between your teeth? Should you be worried, or is it normal? To learn more about what causes these brown stains and how to get rid of them, keep reading this blog.

Why Are There Sudden Brown Stains Between My Teeth?

Believe it or not, brown stains between teeth are quite common, especially if you have a tendency to snack a lot. While most of these stains are harmless, they could sometimes lead to a serious infection.

However, finding these stains at the base of your gum line or between two teeth is not the best sign. Getting them professionally treated is the only way to prevent the bacteria from spreading. Here are some major factors that cause brown stains to grow on your teeth.

  1. Tartar Buildup
    Tartar is a hardened form of plaque, which initially forms due to poor oral hygiene. Plus, since it is porous, tartar is susceptible to discoloration and tooth stains.
  2. Tooth Decay
    A cavity or tooth decay is a dental disease that occurs when the bad bacteria in your mouth start attacking the teeth. Tooth decay is one of the most common causes of tooth rot, making them disintegrate faster while leaving a noticeable brown or black spot behind.
  3. Genetic Factors
    Everyone is born with a different shade of tooth color. Some people naturally have bright pearly whites, whereas others have a more yellow or beige tint to them. Moreover, genetic conditions like dentinogenesis can also cause brown stains.
  4. Tobacco Usage
    Smoking too much tobacco or consuming it in any other form can destroy the appearance of your teeth, leading to discoloration and tooth loss.
  5. Side Effects of Certain Medications
    Some medicines are too potent for your oral health. They can negatively impact your teeth and gums, causing them to turn brown and weaken over time.
  6. Age
    As you grow older, your teeth also mature. This maturation process typically ends with the enamel of your teeth wearing away, making it easier for stains and blemishes to settle on top.
  7. Fluorosis
    When your teeth get exposed to too much fluoride, it gives way to fluorosis, a condition that causes mottling on your teeth.

How to Get Rid of Brown Stains Between Teeth

As annoying as it is to find sudden brown stains and marks on your teeth, there are numerous ways to eliminate them. Contact your dentist to find out which treatment works best for you. Depending on the seriousness of the discoloration, you might have to sit through either of the following treatments.

Tips to Prevent Sudden Brown Stains Between Teeth

If you don’t want your teeth to get plagued by stains and spots, start incorporating the following habits in your daily routine to keep the bacteria far away from your pearly whites.

  • Make it a habit to brush your teeth two times every day.
  • Floss regularly, at least once a day.
  • Avoid smoking tobacco
  • Rinse your mouth immediately after eating something.
  • Use an alcohol-free and antibacterial mouthwash.
  • Get a toothbrush that has soft bristles and can reach the small crevices in your mouth.
  • Visit your dentist every 6 months or so for optimal dental health.

Closing Words

In summary, if you spot sudden brown stains between your teeth, do not panic. Instead, contact your dentist as soon as you can to get them professionally removed. For more information on the matter, feel free to contact Dr. Neela Jeevan Ghatnekar at (714) 921-9252. You can also come over and visit us at 8101 E Kaiser Blvd #150, Anaheim, CA 92808.


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